Tuesday, March 16, 2004

RE: the real me...

Just finished checking my inbox and read one mail from my mate, addressed to all of us. And I found his mail was so interesting on one side and hilarious on another, it cracked my up. Never knew he could be that funny :D
Hola Friends - As for an update from your favorite American named Erik, a new twist is about to turn my life into a dramatic saga once again. I've been living in a place called Arcata (in California) looking for meaningful work while Jen goes to school, for about 6 months.

The entire time I've been unemployed, which has been tough - I've barely been able to pay rent by doing some lame labor work and getting a few family loans. It's been a good place to be - lot's of wild spaces, rugged coastline, giant coastal redwood forests, rugged mountains, and lot's of green communities - but noboday can offer me any solid work. Through a friend, I got a lead to do some work this summer - but it's in Alaska.

So, even though it was a hard choice - because I didn't want to have to leave Jen (again!) - I'm heading to Alaska, to make some cash and do some killer work! I'm going to be one of three naturalists on board a 70 passenger boat, taking people kayaking and hiking in some of the most wild places on the west coast. Glaciers, Humpback Whales, and Grizzly Bears are going to be what dominate my discussions and vision for 5 months, beginning in May.

Jen and I will be able to see eachother about 4 times over the summer, I think, so we should be able to make it. I'll come back to Arcata in late September, with some cash, ready to try to get some good work again.

Now I'm going to fill in your thing:

1. What time is it? 4:20
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? Dude
3. Nickname: E-ROK
4. Birthday: 21-09-76
5. Pets: 1 crazy Swiss/Portugese dude - Tiago
6. Hair color: brown
7. Piercing: nope
8. Eye color: Blue
9. Hometown: Woodinville/Freeland/Seattle
10. You live in: Arcata, California (On the Coast, by Eureka)
11. Favorite food: almost anything VEGAN
12. Ever been to Africa: No
13. been toilet papering? yes (high school prank)
14. Ever love someone so much it made you cry? Yeah
15. Been in a car accident? yes - never injured though. Statistics tell me that I'll be in
many more in my life.
16. Croutons or bacon bits? Avacado
17. Favorite day of the week? Friday
18. Favorite restaurant: Tomo (Japanese, Arcata)
19. Favorite flower? Calypso Orchid
20. Favorite sport to watch? Female Mud Wrestling
21. Favorite drink? Water, Green Tea, Beer
22. Favorite ice cream flavor? Soy Delicious - Mint Marble Fudge
23. Disney or Warner Bros.? Both are involved in human rights abuses
24. Favorite fast food restaurant? Arcata Pizza and Deli (local pizza joint that does
good vegan food too)
25. What color is your bedroom carpet? Why the hell is this question on here
26. How many times did you fail your driving test? 27
27. Before this one, whom did you get your last e-mail from? Dick Cheney
28. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Ameoba Records
29. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read - play music
30. What is the most annoying thing people ask you? Have you tried applying at .....?
31. What is your bedtime: 27:00
32. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Satan
33. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Jesus
34. Favorite TV show? Democracy Now! - Except, I've never seen it. I don't have a TV,
but I listen to it a lot on the Radio.
36. Ford or Chevy? Bicycle
37. What are you listening to right now? KMUD - local radio station
38. What is your favorite color? Depends on the day
39. Time you finished this email? 4:20
40. Favourite sexual position? Hanging from a tree branch, blindfolded.

I thought he would never fill in the thing that Jerusa sent. I was wrong. ftd!