gebleg banget sih!
waktunya marah2 nih. terpaksa juga marah2 sendiri, marah2 di blog. mo gimana lagi, di sini partner kerja gak ada (uhm, now I realise how I miss [working with] u so much, ndi!), bos yang jadi atasan langsung juga gak ada, lagi asik2 jalan ke DC (yah, kalopun ada di sini juga gak ada efeknya, tetap gak membantu!), temen2 laen lagi pada sibuk di unitnya masing2, jadi kemana lagi gue numpang ngomel kalo gak di sini...
heran, ada satu unit yang gebleg banget nih! dimintain bahan masukan, yang udah disertai matriks isian, data2nya udah ada, tinggal ngisi progressnya aja selama 6 bulan belakangan ini; isiannya juga gampang, cuma angka2 n persentasi. mudahkan?
lah unit itu kok malah nyerahin bahan masukan dengan versi yang beda, urutan data2nya laen, angkanya gak jelas, kegiatannya blur. pokoknya out of context banget!!!! goblok, gimana gue gak pengen maki2 pas nerima bahan masukan kayak gitu.... maksud gue kemaren ini repot2 ngopiin tiap unit rencana kerjanya masing2 kan biar mereka tinggal ngisi kolom yang kosong, biar formatnya sama semua... gebleg!!!
emang sih paling cepet nyerahin masukan dibanding unit2 laen, tapi paling ancur!!! dan itu sering terjadi. eh gak sering ding, tapi selalu!
belom abis kekesalan gue ngegarap tu bahan masukan gebleg, eh dipanggil ama salah satu kepala bagian di sini. ada apa? disuruh nganterin dokumen ke lantai 7! yaelah paaaaakk, situ kan anak buahnya bejibun yang gak ada kerjaan, knapa juga mesti gue??!!! cuma mentang2 judul dokumen itu sesuai ama hal2 yang sering gue kerjain??? males banget!!!
gak mutu bangetlah pokoknya.
belom lagi barusan gue denger kepanitiaan side events diacak2 lagi. gue yang tadinya di cultural events, jadi masuk ke spouse programme. bloody hell!! lah trus ngapain gue disuruh repot2 nyari contact personnya gsp?! bukan cuma gara2 itu, dari kerjaannya juga gue mending ikutan di cultural events. rese nih.
dah lah, bubarin aja ni kantor... (oi, ada juga mending elo yang keluar)
pulang aja ah. ftd!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Sunday, November 7, 2004
rindu kami pada-Mu
hari sabtu kemarin ada undangan nonton launching film terbarunya garin, rindu kami pada-Mu. gue ajaklah si arsi untuk ikutan nonton, karena rencananya abis itu kita mau nerusin kerjaan yang harus diselesaikan secepatnya (hehe, maap ya to, gue gak ngajak elo).
buat gue sih filmnya bagus2 aja, garin teaaa! ada lucunya, ada sedihnya, dan ternyata ada juga garingnya, yaitu bagian ketika seorang anak perempuan mengancam akan bunuh diri karena bapaknya gak pernah menyatakan rasa sayangnya. dih, sumpah, adegan itu mending dipotong aja deh!
ada satu scene yang gue seneng di film itu, yaitu ketika mobil pickup pengangkut kubah mesjid melewati gedung yang hancur akibat ledakan bom di kuningan. di situ digambarkan tulisan Allah yang terpasang di puncak kubah dengan latar belakang gedung yang telah hancur. sepertinya garin ingin menyampaikan sebuah pesan lewat gambar itu. atau itu bisa2nya gue aja kali ya :D
all in all, meskipun efek perbedaan waktu gak terlalu keliatan di film itu, mungkin karena settingnya di dalam studio, filmnya bisa dibilang baguslah. and by the end of the movie, everybody's happy. how sweet is that?! (I am not a big fan of happy-ending movie, though)
setelah nonton, kita lanjut berbuka puasa di pasar festival, karena letaknya berdekatan dengan pphui. lalu kita meluncur ke bakoel koffi di cikini untuk bekerja. sebetulnya cuma numpang nyolokin laptop aja sih. ftd!
hari sabtu kemarin ada undangan nonton launching film terbarunya garin, rindu kami pada-Mu. gue ajaklah si arsi untuk ikutan nonton, karena rencananya abis itu kita mau nerusin kerjaan yang harus diselesaikan secepatnya (hehe, maap ya to, gue gak ngajak elo).
buat gue sih filmnya bagus2 aja, garin teaaa! ada lucunya, ada sedihnya, dan ternyata ada juga garingnya, yaitu bagian ketika seorang anak perempuan mengancam akan bunuh diri karena bapaknya gak pernah menyatakan rasa sayangnya. dih, sumpah, adegan itu mending dipotong aja deh!
ada satu scene yang gue seneng di film itu, yaitu ketika mobil pickup pengangkut kubah mesjid melewati gedung yang hancur akibat ledakan bom di kuningan. di situ digambarkan tulisan Allah yang terpasang di puncak kubah dengan latar belakang gedung yang telah hancur. sepertinya garin ingin menyampaikan sebuah pesan lewat gambar itu. atau itu bisa2nya gue aja kali ya :D
all in all, meskipun efek perbedaan waktu gak terlalu keliatan di film itu, mungkin karena settingnya di dalam studio, filmnya bisa dibilang baguslah. and by the end of the movie, everybody's happy. how sweet is that?! (I am not a big fan of happy-ending movie, though)
setelah nonton, kita lanjut berbuka puasa di pasar festival, karena letaknya berdekatan dengan pphui. lalu kita meluncur ke bakoel koffi di cikini untuk bekerja. sebetulnya cuma numpang nyolokin laptop aja sih. ftd!
Thursday, November 4, 2004
kurang ajar...
kayaknya emang gue suka kurang ajar nih ama orang2 kantor. gak ke semuanya sih. dan gak kurangajar2 banget. cuma gue suka gak nyimak aja kalo diajak ngobrol, apalagi kalo gue lagi gak mood ngobrol. apalagi kalo obrolannya gak menarik, itu lagi itu lagi.
kayak barusan ini, ada yang duduk di kursi depan meja gue. temen kerja juga sih, sering kerja bareng. dia cerita panjang lebar tentang segala hal, mungkin hanya tuhan yang tau dia ngomongin apa aja, soalnya gue sama sekali gak nyimak.
sementara dia asik2 cerita ini itu, mata gue sibuk ngebrowse internet, paling sesekali gue kasih komentar2 pendek yang nyambung dengan kata2 dia di beberapa akhir kalimat, biar keliatan nyimak. hehe, kurang ajar banget ya.
gak usahlah dia yang itungannya masih temen kerja, bos yang sebelum ini juga sering gue gituin. dia duduk di salah satu kursi di ruangan ini, kemudian memulai cerita2 gak penting yang menunjukkan kehebatannya. dan seperti biasa, gue tetap sibuk dengan komputer gue dan sesekali memberi komentar yang gak kalah gak pentingnya dengan cerita2 dia. tetep, biar keliatan nyimak aja.
kalo dia cuma duduk dan tidak memulai percakapan, gue juga gak berusaha ngajak ngobrol. sampe akhirnya dia balik ke ruangannya. hehe, ngajak ngobrol yang laen aja, bos!
lagian sih obrolan ngebosenin banget. guenya juga lagi gak mood (ato gak bakal pernah?) denger cerita2 kayak gitu. just leave me alone, will you?! ftd!
kayaknya emang gue suka kurang ajar nih ama orang2 kantor. gak ke semuanya sih. dan gak kurangajar2 banget. cuma gue suka gak nyimak aja kalo diajak ngobrol, apalagi kalo gue lagi gak mood ngobrol. apalagi kalo obrolannya gak menarik, itu lagi itu lagi.
kayak barusan ini, ada yang duduk di kursi depan meja gue. temen kerja juga sih, sering kerja bareng. dia cerita panjang lebar tentang segala hal, mungkin hanya tuhan yang tau dia ngomongin apa aja, soalnya gue sama sekali gak nyimak.
sementara dia asik2 cerita ini itu, mata gue sibuk ngebrowse internet, paling sesekali gue kasih komentar2 pendek yang nyambung dengan kata2 dia di beberapa akhir kalimat, biar keliatan nyimak. hehe, kurang ajar banget ya.
gak usahlah dia yang itungannya masih temen kerja, bos yang sebelum ini juga sering gue gituin. dia duduk di salah satu kursi di ruangan ini, kemudian memulai cerita2 gak penting yang menunjukkan kehebatannya. dan seperti biasa, gue tetap sibuk dengan komputer gue dan sesekali memberi komentar yang gak kalah gak pentingnya dengan cerita2 dia. tetep, biar keliatan nyimak aja.
kalo dia cuma duduk dan tidak memulai percakapan, gue juga gak berusaha ngajak ngobrol. sampe akhirnya dia balik ke ruangannya. hehe, ngajak ngobrol yang laen aja, bos!
lagian sih obrolan ngebosenin banget. guenya juga lagi gak mood (ato gak bakal pernah?) denger cerita2 kayak gitu. just leave me alone, will you?! ftd!
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
letter from a friend...
Here are some words for my international community, on a historic voting day in the US.
Every person I know is nervous. Nervous that there is even a possibility that Bush will end up back in the white house. Notice that I didn't say 'will get elected'. There is widespread skepticism about this election being legitimate - about Bush and the Republicans stealing the election again. From the new electronic voting machines, manufactured by a major corporate republican contribor, to the shady registration scams that have gone on in the 'swing states', there is much to be skeptical about.
It's obvious to me why it would be tragic to have Bush in an unaccountable second term. It would be a disaster for the environment, for justice, for women, for our civil liberties... I don't believe this country, or the world would, or should stand for it.
If Kerry ends up in the white house, though, things theoretically would slow down, and stop being so extreme. Things may even change diretion for the better. It wouldn't, though, solve any true problems as far as I can tell. He's still a corporatist and militarist. He still is for the status-quo of consumerism, free-trade, and corporate rule.
I live in California at the moment, and will be voting in California. Kerry is going to win in California by a projected 2million votes. I can't vote for him, I can't support so much of what he is about. So I'm voting Green. The only party that calls for systemic change, for true environmental policy, and for a true democracy. Voting for a third party in this election, which is supposedly so close (I say supposedly because the polls show it being close, but I don't trust the corporate media to tell us the truth on this), is a controversial move. There is much debate surrounding the idea of voting for someone other than Kerry or Bush, but these third parties are gaining strength and credibility and their votes are noticed now more than ever.
Overall, it's a pretty big mess here. There is a very deep and strong divide among the people all over the country - as far as I can tell. I'm not sure how people can believe the propaganda of this adminstration enough to vote for another four years of it, but there are millions of people vehemently supportive of this president.
Beyond what's going on here, it seems clear that most of the rest of the world would prefer to see Kerry (vs. Bush) in the white house. It's almost like the world has forgiven the american people for voting Bush in the first time (which wasn't really legitimate anyway), because they really didn't know what to expect - but if they were to vote him in again, I don't believe there would be so much global forgiveness. I'm not sure how all of you feel, but by the time many of you read this, the results will be in, and regardless of what happens, it will be time to get to work and stand up for peace and justice, for fair-trade, for environmental protection and progress. Who knows what's going to happen, but one things for sure: the political leaders and corporations are not guiding the world in the interest of the people, and as always, it looks like its up to the people to rise up and bring forth change.
As for an update from me, I just finished up an amazing season as a naturalist up in Southeast Alaska, guiding kayak and hiking adventures while giving natural history interpretation. It was epic. I'm now doing some contract work for a land conservation organization, while sitting on an Open Space Committee for the city of Arcata, teaching, and doing tons of volunteer work. Things are going fantastic. Jen and I are also now ENGAGED! Whoa! So next September 3-4-5 we'll be getting married out at Olympic Park Institute, in Washington State. Yeah!
From America,
Here are some words for my international community, on a historic voting day in the US.
Every person I know is nervous. Nervous that there is even a possibility that Bush will end up back in the white house. Notice that I didn't say 'will get elected'. There is widespread skepticism about this election being legitimate - about Bush and the Republicans stealing the election again. From the new electronic voting machines, manufactured by a major corporate republican contribor, to the shady registration scams that have gone on in the 'swing states', there is much to be skeptical about.
It's obvious to me why it would be tragic to have Bush in an unaccountable second term. It would be a disaster for the environment, for justice, for women, for our civil liberties... I don't believe this country, or the world would, or should stand for it.
If Kerry ends up in the white house, though, things theoretically would slow down, and stop being so extreme. Things may even change diretion for the better. It wouldn't, though, solve any true problems as far as I can tell. He's still a corporatist and militarist. He still is for the status-quo of consumerism, free-trade, and corporate rule.
I live in California at the moment, and will be voting in California. Kerry is going to win in California by a projected 2million votes. I can't vote for him, I can't support so much of what he is about. So I'm voting Green. The only party that calls for systemic change, for true environmental policy, and for a true democracy. Voting for a third party in this election, which is supposedly so close (I say supposedly because the polls show it being close, but I don't trust the corporate media to tell us the truth on this), is a controversial move. There is much debate surrounding the idea of voting for someone other than Kerry or Bush, but these third parties are gaining strength and credibility and their votes are noticed now more than ever.
Overall, it's a pretty big mess here. There is a very deep and strong divide among the people all over the country - as far as I can tell. I'm not sure how people can believe the propaganda of this adminstration enough to vote for another four years of it, but there are millions of people vehemently supportive of this president.
Beyond what's going on here, it seems clear that most of the rest of the world would prefer to see Kerry (vs. Bush) in the white house. It's almost like the world has forgiven the american people for voting Bush in the first time (which wasn't really legitimate anyway), because they really didn't know what to expect - but if they were to vote him in again, I don't believe there would be so much global forgiveness. I'm not sure how all of you feel, but by the time many of you read this, the results will be in, and regardless of what happens, it will be time to get to work and stand up for peace and justice, for fair-trade, for environmental protection and progress. Who knows what's going to happen, but one things for sure: the political leaders and corporations are not guiding the world in the interest of the people, and as always, it looks like its up to the people to rise up and bring forth change.
As for an update from me, I just finished up an amazing season as a naturalist up in Southeast Alaska, guiding kayak and hiking adventures while giving natural history interpretation. It was epic. I'm now doing some contract work for a land conservation organization, while sitting on an Open Space Committee for the city of Arcata, teaching, and doing tons of volunteer work. Things are going fantastic. Jen and I are also now ENGAGED! Whoa! So next September 3-4-5 we'll be getting married out at Olympic Park Institute, in Washington State. Yeah!
From America,
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