duh, si tolol!
gawat nih, restleting rok tiba-tiba rusak, di kantor pula! padahal gak lagi ngapa-ngapain. uhm, emang sih barusan muter-muter aja di kursi depan komputer, pas menggerakkan badan ke depan untuk mendekati keyboard komputer, tiba-tiba... kreekkk!!! huah, kacau! (makanya, kalo duduk jangan byayakan, trus kecilin tu badan!)
untung kemeja yang lagi dipake lumayan panjang, langsung aja dikeluarin, trus lanjut ke kamar mandi. siapa tau masih bisa dibenerin restletingnya. dhilalah, bukannya beres, malah rusak dengan sempurna! untungnya (lagi!), seorang teman ada yang berbaik hati minjemin peniti.
dilema nih, ntar siang turun ke kantin gak ya. mana hari jumat pula, peak season-nya kantin.
ada-ada aja nih. tapi emang sih, rasa-rasanya tu rok kok makin sesek. aneh, biasanya anak-anak yang baru pada balik sekolah tuh gemukan, trus setelah balik ke sini baru deh mengurus kembali. ini kok malah kebalikannya...
(makanya, kalo diajakin tenis tiap jumat tuh jangan kebanyakan alasan. kalo pada berenang tiap sabtu, weker disetel yang bener. kalo ikutan jogging ke senayan ama adeknya, jangan malah nongkrong di tempat penjual cd. rasain deh sekarang!)
yang ada sekarang cuma senyum-senyum aja sendiri... dasar si tolol. ftd!
Friday, February 27, 2004
- ndra, gimana nih, kerjaan gue gak kelar2. capek gue begadang mulu...
+ apaa?
- bantuin dong, daripada lo maen gak keru2an
+ o-aah...
- ayo dong, gimana nih biar kelar,gue dah males banget...
+ onyeh... huu-a... huu-a... huu-a... onyeh...
- set dah ni bocah! diajakin ngomong serius, malah ngikutin suara monyet...
+ apaa?
- duh, susah emang ngobrol ama anak umur 1,5 tahun... gak nyambung!
- ndra, gimana nih, kerjaan gue gak kelar2. capek gue begadang mulu...
+ apaa?
- bantuin dong, daripada lo maen gak keru2an
+ o-aah...
- ayo dong, gimana nih biar kelar,gue dah males banget...
+ onyeh... huu-a... huu-a... huu-a... onyeh...
- set dah ni bocah! diajakin ngomong serius, malah ngikutin suara monyet...
+ apaa?
- duh, susah emang ngobrol ama anak umur 1,5 tahun... gak nyambung!
Thursday, February 26, 2004
nanggroe aceh darussalam
ada tawaran untuk ikutan tim media ke aceh, tugasnya ya gak jauh2 dari urusan media centre. kira2 selama 1-2 minggu. itu pun gak cuma sekali perjalanan. maksudnya, tinggal selama 1-2 minggu itu bisa dilakukan sampai beberapa kali.
menarik sih, meskipun rada ngeri. tapi, daripada mati bosen di sini, kan mendingan mati ngetop di sana. hehe. yang bikin takut adalah, gimana kalo di mess tempat tinggalnya ada fenomena penampakan, hiii.
satu alasan yang menyebabkan tawaran itu akhirnya ditolak adalah ketika seorang teman berkata, "tapi kan ntar di sana lo mesti pake jilbab?"
oiya ya... ftd!
ada tawaran untuk ikutan tim media ke aceh, tugasnya ya gak jauh2 dari urusan media centre. kira2 selama 1-2 minggu. itu pun gak cuma sekali perjalanan. maksudnya, tinggal selama 1-2 minggu itu bisa dilakukan sampai beberapa kali.
menarik sih, meskipun rada ngeri. tapi, daripada mati bosen di sini, kan mendingan mati ngetop di sana. hehe. yang bikin takut adalah, gimana kalo di mess tempat tinggalnya ada fenomena penampakan, hiii.
satu alasan yang menyebabkan tawaran itu akhirnya ditolak adalah ketika seorang teman berkata, "tapi kan ntar di sana lo mesti pake jilbab?"
oiya ya... ftd!
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Axe Pulse
Have you seen the axe pulse advert on telly? A skinny man dancing with two skinny women in a bar on Senior Junior's song, make love (that if I am not mistaken). Well, you can call me corny, but everytime I see the advert it reminds me of my good old days back in Keele.
Yup, it was exactly the same advert that would appear annoyingly either on ITV3, Channel4 or Channel5. As much I as I hated the advert at that time, now I really love to see it everytime it appears on telly. How bizarre... ftd!
Have you seen the axe pulse advert on telly? A skinny man dancing with two skinny women in a bar on Senior Junior's song, make love (that if I am not mistaken). Well, you can call me corny, but everytime I see the advert it reminds me of my good old days back in Keele.
Yup, it was exactly the same advert that would appear annoyingly either on ITV3, Channel4 or Channel5. As much I as I hated the advert at that time, now I really love to see it everytime it appears on telly. How bizarre... ftd!
Thursday, February 19, 2004
juru catat
Jadi juga gue terima tawaran untuk jadi notulen di bisnis forumnya kadin dua hari kemarin, walaupun dengan berat hati. Komentar tentang pekerjaan itu bisa disimpulkan dalam 5 point:
1. najis!
2. najis!
3. najis!
4. najis!
5. najis!
Well, the comment is not fair, I know. Gimana kalo kita lihat sisi negatif dan positifnya aja...
1. Acaranya formal. Heaven knows how much I hate formal ceremony (haah, tapi kan kerjaan gue bakal gak jauh2 dari acara formal? sial!!!).
2. AC-nya dingin baget, amit2!
3. Topiknya gak ada yang menarik.
4. Damn, it's so flipping boring!!!
1. Belajar menyimak. Maksudnya, menyimak omongan orang, seberapa pun gak menariknya omongan itu.
2. Belajar mencatat. (oi, jaman2nya orang belajar nyatet, elo kemana aja??!!!)
*kesan dan pesan*
hopefully that'll be my first and last experience as rapporteur. ftd!
Jadi juga gue terima tawaran untuk jadi notulen di bisnis forumnya kadin dua hari kemarin, walaupun dengan berat hati. Komentar tentang pekerjaan itu bisa disimpulkan dalam 5 point:
1. najis!
2. najis!
3. najis!
4. najis!
5. najis!
Well, the comment is not fair, I know. Gimana kalo kita lihat sisi negatif dan positifnya aja...
1. Acaranya formal. Heaven knows how much I hate formal ceremony (haah, tapi kan kerjaan gue bakal gak jauh2 dari acara formal? sial!!!).
2. AC-nya dingin baget, amit2!
3. Topiknya gak ada yang menarik.
4. Damn, it's so flipping boring!!!
1. Belajar menyimak. Maksudnya, menyimak omongan orang, seberapa pun gak menariknya omongan itu.
2. Belajar mencatat. (oi, jaman2nya orang belajar nyatet, elo kemana aja??!!!)
*kesan dan pesan*
hopefully that'll be my first and last experience as rapporteur. ftd!
Monday, February 9, 2004
personal legend
Call for Applicants
Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations - FAO
FAO is seeking applicants in the following fields:
.........; technical cooperation and development assistance, including sustainable development; environmental protection and management of natural resources;....
If you meet the following general requirements:
- hold a degree in any of the above mentioned fields;
- have at least three years of professional work experience;
- have a working knowledge of english, french or spanish
please complete a personal history form....
(Kompas, 9 Februari 2004)
here comes my long-waiting opportunity! I should've grabbed it while it's there.
but you know what happened? I was stuck in 'current employer' section when filling in the form.
good lord, never realise before that working here is like having a life sentence. ftd!
Call for Applicants
Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations - FAO
FAO is seeking applicants in the following fields:
.........; technical cooperation and development assistance, including sustainable development; environmental protection and management of natural resources;....
If you meet the following general requirements:
- hold a degree in any of the above mentioned fields;
- have at least three years of professional work experience;
- have a working knowledge of english, french or spanish
please complete a personal history form....
(Kompas, 9 Februari 2004)
here comes my long-waiting opportunity! I should've grabbed it while it's there.
but you know what happened? I was stuck in 'current employer' section when filling in the form.
good lord, never realise before that working here is like having a life sentence. ftd!
Friday, February 6, 2004
what is in a hug?
chillout, wipe that dirty mind off of your head! I am not talking about those obscene, lustful hugs. it's more about friendly, consoling hugs between friends or lovers. hold on! erase the last bit, I prefer to focus on friendship hugs.
actually, ...
(to be continued some day. somehow I am not in the mood to carry on this entry. so, you are free to make a guess...)
chillout, wipe that dirty mind off of your head! I am not talking about those obscene, lustful hugs. it's more about friendly, consoling hugs between friends or lovers. hold on! erase the last bit, I prefer to focus on friendship hugs.
actually, ...
(to be continued some day. somehow I am not in the mood to carry on this entry. so, you are free to make a guess...)
sakit mulu!!!!!!!!!
mo flu lagi. duh, kan baru kemaren sembuh, kok udah kena lagi???
jumat, pusing, lemes, tenggorokan gak enak, ngantuk (efek alpara? ato alphara? ugh, whatever! I should've taken neozep, tho!). artinya, sore ini gak tenis (lagi!) dan besok pagi gak ikutan berenang ama anak2. shite!
jadi notulen di bisnis forumnya kadin pertengahan februari ini? mati! kuliah aja gue gak pernah nyatet!!! duh, gimana ya... ftd!
mo flu lagi. duh, kan baru kemaren sembuh, kok udah kena lagi???
jumat, pusing, lemes, tenggorokan gak enak, ngantuk (efek alpara? ato alphara? ugh, whatever! I should've taken neozep, tho!). artinya, sore ini gak tenis (lagi!) dan besok pagi gak ikutan berenang ama anak2. shite!
jadi notulen di bisnis forumnya kadin pertengahan februari ini? mati! kuliah aja gue gak pernah nyatet!!! duh, gimana ya... ftd!
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
pathetic feeling...
Right, got to admit that I was being such a twat this morning. It all started from my email to Yvonne Lomax. Actually I just needed to ask her whether the department could send me the academic transcript or not. That's all.
But then, I was tempted to browse keele's website. Well, only for old time's sake. BIG MISTAKE! It only brought back all the good memories that I left behind. My stomach started to feel funny. Like butterfly in the stomach, they say.
Then suddenly, out of the blue, one of Silverchair's songs played loudly in the back of my head... come on abuse me more I like it...
Indeed, I am a twat with capital t... ftd!
Right, got to admit that I was being such a twat this morning. It all started from my email to Yvonne Lomax. Actually I just needed to ask her whether the department could send me the academic transcript or not. That's all.
But then, I was tempted to browse keele's website. Well, only for old time's sake. BIG MISTAKE! It only brought back all the good memories that I left behind. My stomach started to feel funny. Like butterfly in the stomach, they say.
Then suddenly, out of the blue, one of Silverchair's songs played loudly in the back of my head... come on abuse me more I like it...
Indeed, I am a twat with capital t... ftd!
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